Ken in Croatia

Friday, June 30, 2006

Overdue Update

I'm living in an apartment near Niall's place that's near downtown Zagreb. It's kind of like a hostel. The three of us guys live in one room, and there's a community room, bathroom, and sink outside our room. It works...we're never there anyway. When we go down to the village of Cakovec (which is an hour's drive south), we stay in this sweet lodge place with 7 or 8 bedrooms, a few bathrooms, a washing machine (no dryer), 2 kitchens, living room, family room, etc. It's sweet.
Things are going better between me and my teammates. I think we're starting to get used to each other. We still aren't close by any means, but we still have a month together, so hopefully it will happen. I'm optimistic. Things are pretty cool around here. I had a good talk with Niall on the sailing trip about my expectations of people and how they're too high, and he tried to tell me that I shouldn't have any expectations of people. I don't buy it, but at least he challenged me to think about why I have these expectations and I realized that the higher my expectations get of how we all should respond as Christians, my level of grace to people must rise that much more. It hasn't. Bill and Bobbie have shown me a much higher plane of loving and unity as a body, and I grasped that and expected people to meet up to it. I also noticed that they had grace to match and even exceed it, but I never "grasped" that. I had their expectations for people (well, you know...), but not their grace and love. In that sense, I've become more like a Pharisee than a "Christian." So, now I know, and it's easier to live with my teammates who don't "meet my expectations." I'm not "lowering my standards" because God doesn't lower his; instead, I'm trying to have more grace as I realize (as Bill always says) "we're all in process." So, that was my major realization on the sailing trip.
I'll write more later, but that's the recent update!